I was motivated to write this by the Writing Gaggle. Check out the other posts from this month! Especially if you’re looking for something shorter to read; I went over-long this time.
In this post, we’re going to explore one easy route to making a Discord bot in 2023, with Rust.
Or, well. It should be easy.
It’s going to be a little idiosyncratic because this style seems to be relatively unexplored in the Rust Discord bot ecosystem, since everyone is already used to the old way of doing it. We’ll cover what that is in a future post.
The first thing we have to do is understand what, really, we’re trying to make here. A Discord bot is a program that listens for events from a chat it cares about, and issues responses to those particular events.
For our purposes, the events we care about are Interactions, and our responses will use Followup Messages.
We’re going to make a dice rolling bot, because that sounds easy. Our goal is simple:
a dice expressionThis is the kind of bot I made when I got started, so now you’re going to do it too.
The first thing you need to do is open the Discord Developer Portal: https://discord.com/developers/applications
Here, you’ll need to create a new “Discord Application”, which shall become your bot.
Click the “New Application” button, located in the top right:
And then fill in the name of your bot:
And, of course, click the “Create” button. Presuming nothing went wrong, like choosing an invalid name for your application, you should be brought to the General page for your new application. The relevant navigation options are on the left. They vanish if the window isn’t wide enough, replaced by a little sandwich icon (3 stacked horizontal bars) in the top left which brings them back when clicked.
You’ll be using the Discord Developer Portal a lot, so keep this page open.
Now for the code.
Let’s start by adding some dependencies we
know we’ll need. In particular, we’re going to
want twilight-model
which gives us the data representations we’ll
need for consuming and producing messages with
the Discord API.
We’ll also want twilight-util
which provides an assortment of nice utilities,
one of which whose use is pretty much demanded
by twilight-model
in a later
The next thing we need is some library to
help us serve a web API. We’ll be using axum
because I like it. This will also require us to
add tokio
as a dependency, as that is the
runtime used by
. If you don’t know what that
means, don’t worry too much about it. We’ll be
brushing over those details anyway.
We’ll also need ed25519-dalek
for verifying interactions are from Discord. We
wouldn’t want unauthorized randoms posting to
our API! Also for this purpose, we’ll use the hex
crate to parse the hexadecimal input Discord
gives us signatures as.
We’ll also need something to do a couple
manual HTTPS requests to Discord’s API, during
command registration. This will happen once at
the start of program execution, so it doesn’t
really matter what we use. I’m choosing ureq
for this purpose.
In the process of talking to Discord’s API,
we’ll need to base64 encode one thing, which
we’ll do using the base64
And finally, we’ll use bracket-random
for rolling dice expressions.
By now, our Cargo.toml
have something like this in it:
twilight-model = "0.15.1"
twilight-util = { version = "0.15.1", features = ["builder"] }
axum = "0.6.6"
tokio = { version = "1.25.0", features = ["full"] }
ed25519-dalek = "2.0.0-pre.0"
hex = "0.4.3"
bracket-random = "0.8.7"
ureq = { version = "2.6.2", features = ["json"] }
base64 = "0.21.0"
So, why are we serving a web API anyway?
Turns out, Discord lets you give it a URL to
submit Interactions to in
the form of POST
Setup a public facing web server with a
endpoint, and it’ll send you
JSON events.
Now, I put all my web servers behind NGINX, so my config is going to look something like this:
server {
server_name api.catmonad.xyz;
location /blog/discord/interactions {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/api.catmonad.xyz/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/api.catmonad.xyz/privkey.pem;
include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
What you do will vary depending on how
exactly you want to do hosting. It’d be
perfectly reasonable to do TLS (using rustls
of course) in your Rust web server and expose it
directly to the Internet, but we’re not covering
that today.
With TLS termination out of the way, it’s time to try receiving some events!
If we go ahead and put
in that “Interactions Endpoint URL” box on our
Application page, then click that “Save Changes”
button that appears, Discord will… oh.
Yeah, we actually need to have a working server up that Discord can message before it’ll accept our choice of Interactions URL. We’ll have to go a bit further before we can play around.
To give you more of an idea what’s happening
here: This is what the test request Discord
sends to my Interactions endpoint looks
like, trimmed down a bit and formatted.
Connection: close
Content-Length: 507
Accept-Encoding: gzip
x-signature-timestamp: <snip>
x-signature-ed25519: <snip>
content-type: application/json
user-agent: Discord-Interactions/1.0 (+https://discord.com)
"application_id": "1075527780680351764",
"id": "1075555207599104162",
"token": "<snip>",
"type": 1,
"user": {
"avatar": "eb168256edfe1f25c38e1f173b58df6e",
"avatar_decoration": null,
"discriminator": "4158",
"display_name": null,
"id": "97171464851042304",
"public_flags": 4194304,
"username": "Monadic Cat"
"version": 1
I cut out the
header and the
field in the body because
they were really large, but the important thing
to know is that they’re big blobs of text we’re
just going to hand over to opaque APIs that know
what to do with them, lol.
This isn’t meant to be a tutorial on how to make web servers with Axum, so let’s speedrun this part.
use axum::http::{HeaderMap, StatusCode};
use axum::routing::post;
use axum::{Json, Router};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use twilight_model::application::interaction::Interaction;
(I rely on my IDE to quickly add appropriate imports. Some people might use a few glob imports here instead.)
Declare the only route, initialize the server:
async fn main() {
let port = 4635;
let app = Router::new().route("/", post(post_interaction));
let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], port));
Then define the handler as something that gives us what we need:
type InteractionResult = Result<
, Json<InteractionResponse>),
(StatusCode, String)
async fn post_interaction(
: HeaderMap,
headers: Json<Interaction>,
Json(interaction)-> InteractionResult {
) dbg!(&headers);
Err((StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "I dunno".to_string()))
One thing I want to call out here: Make sure
the success response for your web server sets a
header of
, or Discord may
consider the interaction failed regardless of
the actual content of the body. (This doesn’t
appear to be the case for Ping
interactions in particular, but is the case for
With that out of the way, let’s see what it looks like when Discord sends this a test Interaction. I don’t want to deal with automating deployment right now, or copying binaries over repeatedly, so I’m just going to SSH port forward from my local machine to my server.
ssh -R 4635:localhost:4635 my_server
I’ve gone ahead and trimmed down parts of this output like before. Additionally, Discord appears to retry the request once when your server returns a failure. I’ve removed that from this output as well.
/main.rs:28] &headers = {
[src"host": "",
"connection": "close",
"content-length": "507",
"accept-encoding": "gzip",
"x-signature-timestamp": "<snip>",
"x-signature-ed25519": "<snip>",
"content-type": "application/json",
"user-agent": "Discord-Interactions/1.0 (+https://discord.com)",
/main.rs:29] &interaction = Interaction {
[src: None,
app_permissions: Id<ApplicationMarker>(1075527780680351764),
application_id: None,
channel_id: None,
data: None,
guild_id: None,
guild_locale: Id<InteractionMarker>(1076556840638349363),
id: Ping,
kind: None,
locale: None,
member: None,
message: "<snip>",
token: Some(<snip>),
Discord wants us to validate
every request comes with a valid signature for
its content, so let’s do that. It’d be nice if
we could do this without throwing away the
convenience of the Json
but, to do the validation correctly, we need the
exact bytes used in the body and we shouldn’t
assume that re-serializing it will produce the
same thing byte-for-byte.
Let’s add serde_json
to our
so we can do the
deserialization manually:
serde_json = "1.0.93"
And in Rust, we’ve replaced the
argument with
body: String
async fn post_interaction(headers: HeaderMap, body: String) -> InteractionResult {
let Ok(interaction): Result<Interaction, _> = serde_json::from_str(&body) else {
return Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "request contained invalid json".to_string()))
Err((StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "I dunno".to_string()))
Which gives us access to the request body as
it is actually given to us, in
We could probably make this whole validation bit into our own custom extractor or middleware that handles the whole process and gives the validated and then deserialized JSON automatically, but let’s not worry about that just yet.
Since the request signature is given in hexadecimal, let’s parse it and see what it looks like:
let Some(sig) = headers.get("x-signature-ed25519") else {
return Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"request did not include signature header".to_string()))
let Ok(sig) = hex::decode(sig) else {
return Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"request signature is invalid hex".to_string()))
println!("Sig bytes: {:?}", sig);
Output, this time including the second request:
: [76, 180, 84, 83, 224, 226, 119, 71, 49, 231, 234, 185, 234, 87, 182, 207, 74, 134, 99, 133, 168, 10, 140, 29, 4, 110, 223, 85, 215, 27, 109, 121, 68, 240, 23, 193, 87, 4, 138, 14, 12, 116, 0, 110, 168, 242, 50, 227, 91, 39, 47, 182, 41, 67, 106, 47, 161, 131, 140, 56, 248, 131, 151, 2]
Sig bytes: [198, 66, 20, 24, 74, 33, 193, 3, 31, 200, 23, 218, 84, 54, 148, 155, 192, 53, 183, 132, 217, 42, 119, 227, 247, 99, 62, 130, 20, 252, 212, 129, 250, 96, 237, 10, 157, 19, 45, 83, 169, 34, 200, 53, 194, 206, 236, 229, 155, 52, 5, 54, 141, 51, 196, 67, 14, 109, 81, 150, 82, 76, 28, 12] Sig bytes
We’re definitely making progress!
Next, we’ll use ed25519_dalek
parse the signature.
let Ok(sig) = Signature::from_slice(&sig) else {
return Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"request signature is malformed".to_string()))
println!("Sig: {:?}", sig);
: ed25519::Signature { R: [76, 180, 84, 83, 224, 226, 119, 71, 49, 231, 234, 185, 234, 87, 182, 207, 74, 134, 99, 133, 168, 10, 140, 29, 4, 110, 223, 85, 215, 27, 109, 121], s: [68, 240, 23, 193, 87, 4, 138, 14, 12, 116, 0, 110, 168, 242, 50, 227, 91, 39, 47, 182, 41, 67, 106, 47, 161, 131, 140, 56, 248, 131, 151, 2] }
Sig: ed25519::Signature { R: [198, 66, 20, 24, 74, 33, 193, 3, 31, 200, 23, 218, 84, 54, 148, 155, 192, 53, 183, 132, 217, 42, 119, 227, 247, 99, 62, 130, 20, 252, 212, 129], s: [250, 96, 237, 10, 157, 19, 45, 83, 169, 34, 200, 53, 194, 206, 236, 229, 155, 52, 5, 54, 141, 51, 196, 67, 14, 109, 81, 150, 82, 76, 28, 12] } Sig
And then validate it. Discord wants us to
concatenate the
header with
the body for this, so:
let Some(signed_buf) = headers.get("x-signature-timestamp") else {
return Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"request did not include signature timestamp header".to_string()))
let mut signed_buf = signed_buf.as_bytes().to_owned();
let pub_key = discord_pub_key();
dbg!(pub_key.verify_strict(&signed_buf, &sig));
/main.rs:64] pub_key.verify_strict(&signed_buf, &sig) = Err(
[srcsignature::Error { source: Some(Verification equation was not satisfied) },
)/main.rs:64] pub_key.verify_strict(&signed_buf, &sig) = Ok(
() )
It works! Great. Why did one of those requests fail verification?
Turns out, Discord’s not doing a retry- these two requests are entirely different. One of them is intentionally failing, as Discord is trying to ensure that we’re actually validating the signatures on these requests, by forcing us to respond with a failure to its test request which has an invalid signature.
So, okay, let’s do that.
let Ok(()) = pub_key.verify_strict(&signed_buf, &sig) else {
return Err((
"interaction failed signature verification".to_string(),
In that snippet above, where we actually did
the signature verification, we called this
function with no
explanation. Where did that come from?
It’s something you copy and paste from the Discord Developer portal, on your application’s page:
In particular, it is this section that you need to care about:
With that information, we can write
like this:
fn discord_pub_key_bytes() -> Vec<u8> {
hex::decode("<paste me from the developer portal for your app>").unwrap()
fn discord_pub_key() -> VerifyingKey {
// You might wonder, why is Monad using `.unwrap()` here when they so
// meticulously avoided it until now?
// It's because the public key is something we confirm out of band,
// and if it's malformed we shouldn't even be running.
// Additionally, I consider unwrapping during startup tasks which come
// before the main loop perfectly acceptable for a program
// which will only be seen by devs. This unwrapping won't meaingfully
// affect the fault tolerance of the program. I'll stop explaining this
// before it becomes an essay on its own.
let pub_key_bytes: [u8; 32] = discord_pub_key_bytes().try_into().unwrap();
Okay, that was a lot more prep work than I’d like. But, we’re ready to actually inspect Interactions and send responses back to Discord.
async fn post_interaction(headers: HeaderMap, body: String) -> InteractionResult {
// ... validate signature, introduce `interaction: Interaction` to work with ...
// TODO: actually process and respond to the Interaction
The first thing we need to get out of the way is handling ping messages from Discord. These are something Discord uses simply to test that your server is up and running. All you gotta do is reply with a pong 😃
match interaction.kind {
InteractionType::Ping => {
let pong = InteractionResponse {
: InteractionResponseType::Pong,
kind: None,
Ok((StatusCode::OK, Json(pong))
=> Err((StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
_ "requested interaction not found".to_string())),
It is at this point that Discord will finally accept our server is functioning, and let us save its URL as the Interactions Endpoint URL for our app.
Now all we need to do is handle
Interactions and we’ll be all set!
So, we add an arm to our match
expression to handle
and then extract specifically the shape of data
we care to respond to, and again just return
for everything we don’t
know or care about.
fn not_found() -> InteractionResult {
"requested interaction not found".to_string(),
InteractionType::ApplicationCommand => {
let Some(InteractionData::ApplicationCommand(data)) = interaction.data else {
return not_found()
// TODO: It'd be better if we checked the command ID here,
// but we haven't actually registered any commands yet.
match &*data.name {
"roll" => match &*data.options {
[CommandDataOption ,
name: CommandOptionValue::String(expr),
value}] if name == "expression" => {
let roll = InteractionResponse {
: InteractionResponseType::ChannelMessageWithSource,
kind: Some(InteractionResponseData {
data: Some("TODO: actually roll dice".to_string()),
Ok((StatusCode::OK, Json(roll)))
=> not_found(),
_ },
=> not_found(),
_ }
This could be done in a number of ways,
including splitting out the arms on the
expression using
into their own functions,
or performing a HashMap
lookup to
get an appropriate callback, or plenty of other
strategies. We’re going with this one purely
because it is what I wrote first, and we’re only
implementing one command here.
Now that that’s done, there’s just one last step to be able to run this command we just made from Discord.
To register a command, you need to
an “Application Command
Object” as described here
to Discord.
, of course, ships
the representation we’ll be using here: Command
Those docs recommend we use a builder
provided in twilight-util
construct this object, to avoid hilarious
verbosity, and so we shall:
fn register_command() {
let cmd = CommandBuilder::new("roll", "Roll a dice expression", CommandType::ChatInput)
.option(StringBuilder::new("expression", "dice expression to be rolled").required(true))
// TODO: POST this to the Discord API
Next we need to actually do a
request, which will need us to
set an Authorization
header with a
token we haven’t gotten yet. For now, let’s just
put a function which gets that info and writes
the header in the correct format as a
fn discord_auth_header() -> String {
todo!("fetch the needed info and format the header")
and use it to perform our command registration:
let auth = discord_auth_header();
.set("Authorization", &auth)
Once we fill in
, this will
For the next part, we’re going to need some extra information from the Discord developer panel for your application:
Now, because one of these is something you must keep secret, we’re going to cover how you should keep it.
In particular, we’re going to pull these from environment variables, and you need to ensure that those environment variables are defined in a script you do not commit to version control.
I use a file named .env
which I
list in my .gitignore
to ensure I
don’t add it to my repository:
CLIENT_ID="<your client ID>"
CLIENT_SECRET="<your client secret>"
Now, some people use a crate called
which handles loading files
like this into the environment. You could
consider using this, but as I work in a shell
which supports loading them by running
. .env
, I will not be.
My command line for running the bot now looks
. .env && cargo run
Now, to get this information from the Discord developer panel, go to the OAuth2 page, and find these parts:
You’ll need to click “Reset Secret” to get a
new client secret, and then you can just click
the “Copy” button which appears there and paste
it into your .env
file. That secret
will be hidden again next time you visit the
Next, to get the token we need for authorization when registering our Slash Command, we use the client credential flow.
This boils down to sending some form URL encoded data to Discord and getting JSON back.
Nothing shocking here. So let’s do it, home
brewing some models that I couldn’t find in
struct ClientCredentialsResponse {
: String,
access_token: String,
token_type: u64,
expires_in: String,
fn authorization() -> String {
let engine = engine::GeneralPurpose::new(&alphabet::STANDARD, engine::general_purpose::PAD);
let auth = format!(
fn client_credentials_grant() -> ClientCredentialsResponse {
.set("Authorization", &format!("Basic {}", authorization()))
"grant_type", "client_credentials"),
("scope", "applications.commands.update"),
There is a deprecated way of writing HTTP Basic Authentication parameters in the request URL, but we will not be using it here.
Finally, we can define
like this:
fn discord_auth_header() -> String {
let grant = client_credentials_grant();
format!("Bearer {}", grant.access_token)
If our Discord application had a bot user, we could just use the bot token instead of going through this whole rigmarole, but we’re avoiding creating a bot user for this post. Discord says we don’t need one!
I don’t know about you, but, after all that, I’m exhausted. Fortunately, the stuff that’s left really is easy.
Let’s just write a function which takes a
dice expression as a &str
parses it, evaluates it, and returns a formatted
result string. We’ll call it inside the
handler we wrote
fn roll_expression(expr: &str) -> String {
let Ok(expr) = parse_dice_string(expr) else {
return "invalid dice expression".to_string()
let mut rng = bracket_random::prelude::RandomNumberGenerator::new();
// Note: The `rng.roll_dice(expr)` function, while convenient,
// doesn't handle the case of overflow, and we're handling untrusted
// inputs here. I believe `bracket-lib` is meant for things which
// actually run on the user's system, so don't hold this too much against them.
let mut total: i32 = 0;
let Some(upper_bound) = expr.die_type.checked_add(1) else {
return "This die has too many sides!".to_string()
for _ in 0..expr.n_dice {
let Some(res) = total.checked_add(rng.range(1, upper_bound)) else {
return "Encountered overflow while rolling dice!".to_string()
= res;
total }
if let Some(res) = total.checked_add(expr.bonus) {
= res;
total } else {
return "Encountered overflow while rolling dice!".to_string();
format!("Your roll: {total}")
And with that, our basic dice Discord bot works exactly as expected.
Work is ongoing in Twilight to make
approaching this style of Discord bot easier in
the future. I went ahead and asked if I could
contribute a utility for doing signature
verification, and have been asked
in turn to file an issue proposing an API
for the purpose for twilight-util
I intend to do so after a bit of rest.
I don’t know what the situation is in the Serenity side of the Rust Discord bot ecosystem, beyond “not supported right now”. I haven’t asked people over there about it yet.
I have since written an Axum middleware which handles signature verification, and filed that issue. I plan to work on it in the near future. I haven’t received much feedback on which direction to take it, so I’ll probably try all the approaches I listed there.
In this post, I cut corners on:
subscriber and
report failures using itFollowing along with this post will definitely get you started making Discord bots, but there’s a lot more to making a project good, clean, and sustainable than I was able to cover here.